If your role includes administering ANSYS licenses, you should be aware that the look and feel of the ANSYS license manager has changed somewhat at version 16.0. The tasks that used to all be performed within the Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility have now been split pretty much between that tool and a new tool that runs within your browser called the ANSYS License Management Center.
Marx Y Hillix Sistemas Y Teorias Psicologicas Libro Pdf. The ANSYS License Management Center looks like this: This new License Management Center window is opened on Windows via Start >All Programs >ANSYS, Inc. License Manager >ANSYS License Management Center, and on Linux via /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/start_lmcenter. This utility is where you now install license files, start and start the license manager, and also gather diagnostic information if something goes wrong. You can also view the license.log files here as well as ANSYS licensing documentation. The ‘old’ Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility is now smaller and does less than it did in prior versions.