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Description The 15th edition of Giesecke’s, Technical Drawing and Engineering Graphics is a comprehensive introduction and detailed reference for creating 3D models and 2D documentation drawings. Expanding on its reputation as a trusted reference, this edition expands on the role that the 3D CAD database plays in design and documentation. The text maintains its excellent integration of illustrations with text and consistent navigational features to make it easy to find and look up important information. • Expanded coverage of 3D design and modeling techniques • Updated to show current ASME standards • Even more examples of plastic and sheet metal parts • CAD coverage focusing on issues that arise in modeling and documenting designs • Civil and architectural drawing examples, as well as machine parts • Full color illustrations distinguish explanations from the annotations that are part of a technical drawing • Consistent color use in illustrations helps readers understand drawings (e. Idm 6.21 With Crack Key. g.

Cutting planes are always blue, folding lines are always tan, etc.) • Illustrations are integrated closely with text (no page turning to find the figure) • Step by Step explanations: Easily understood instructions with illustrations right next to each step walk readers through complex constructions • Color photos and examples show inspiring real-world applications • Full color solid models help readers visualize and understand orthographic projections.

Giesecke+Devrient – Creating Confidence Giesecke+Devrient is a global company that offers security technologies, both in the physical and digital.

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