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Squid are members of the class, subclass, order Teuthida, which has two major suborders, and (including such as Architeuthis dux). Teuthida is the largest cephalopod order with around 300 species classified into 29 families. The order Teuthida is a member of the superorder (from the for 'ten legs').
Acer Power St Driver more. Two other orders of decapodiform cephalopods are also called squid, although they are distinct from Teuthida and differ recognizably in their gross anatomical features. They are the of order and the of the monotypic order.
The, however, is more closely related to the octopuses than to any squid. Fossil from the of, France Squid have differentiated from their ancestral such that the body plan has been condensed antero-posteriorly and extended dorso-ventrally. What before may have been the of the ancestor is modified into a complex set of tentacles and highly developed sense organs, including advanced eyes similar to those of. The ancestral shell has been lost, with only an internal, or pen, remaining. The pen is a feather-shaped internal structure that supports the squid's and serves as a site for muscle attachment.
Squid-3.3 default config. From 3.3 a few performance improvements have been done. The manager regex ACLs have been moved after the DoS and protocol smuggling attack. SquidNT was a port of the Squid proxy server to Microsoft's Windows NT-based operating systems. The SquidNT effort has since then been merged into the main Squid. Squid Temporal range: (at least) Late Cretaceous–Recent.