WHY YOU NEED SMS TRACKER With news broadcasts that are full of stories of child predators, cyberbullying, drug and alcohol abuse, and more, parents are increasingly worried about their children becoming a victim because of bad choices. Constant cell phone use means you worry not only when they aren’t with you but also when they’re under your roof but have access to their phone. Many parents are asking, “How can I monitor my child’s text messages?” SMS TrackerTM is an invaluable tool for ensuring the safety of your child, but our SMS tracker is just the beginning. Download this app on any phone with Android 2.1 or higher and you can monitor multimedia messages, phone calls, and browser history. Pennsivana Game And Fish. Integration with your child’s contact list means that you get more than a list of phone numbers they sent messages to or received messages from. You know the name of each person they’re communicating with. Drug or alcohol problems are every parent’s nightmare.
If you have reason to suspect your child is engaged in this behavior or is communicating with someone involved in this behavior, the GPS feature is an essential one. Every time your child uses their phone in any way, SMS TrackerTM uses GPS to identify and log their location. Higurashi Mugen Characters more. When you log on to your account, a map will show you where they have been each time they did anything on their phone.