Xbox Splinter Cell Linux Average ratng: 8,5/10 207votes

This is a sorta-tutorial, with appropriate links. I've now soft-modded three XBOXes, and installed larger HD's without any special hardware (Action Replay), nor do you actually need to touch the original XBOX HD if you are going to go with a bigger HD right away. There is no nonsense with IDE HD hot-swapping and all that (been there, done that, with NDure 3.1!), and if you're just after XBMC, you can be done in about 15 minutes with ZERO tools! The only bit of (cheap) hardware you need is a XBOX to USB cable. You can make one by simply cutting an XBOX controller cable and matching the colours of the wires on a standard 4-pin female USB cable, or just buy one on eBay.

Click to expand.It's more of a summary of what's possible, rather than a detailed tutorial. It wasn't copied in any manner, just personal observations based on my experience, and the method as outlined by one other person. FYI, I had never read on any other forum/source how to accomplish a softmod in this way. It's been done to death with the Action Replay method.

Download Softmod Installer Deluxe v50 With 007 AUF Splinter Cell 1 and Mechassault. Linux Freeware; Sony. However after you Softmod your Xbox you can proceed to. How to Softmod with SID 4.0! Now that the files have been transfered to the Xbox. Splinter Cell: Go to Start Game, click LINUX. Tc Electronic Finalizer Express Manual.

(about five different posts in the tuts section, on the same basic topic!) The overriding benefit is the near-zero cost and simplicity of this method. Basically, Xplorer 360 is the key to it, since it's an ultra-simple drag & drop interface to copy the Splinter Cell exploit to a USB stick. Click to expand.I've added a summary to the original post, which I think clearly illustrates the principles. I am assuming that the reader is somewhat familiar with why you would want to softmod, and what XBMC is. It's really more for those who wanted to do it, but were scared off by the seemingly complex and risky process of a hot-swap, as well as avoiding all the xboxhdm fiddling if all you're after is XBMC (and maybe a few ripped games on the HD).

Xbox Splinter Cell LinuxXbox Splinter Cell Linux

It's amazing how many 'tutorials' forget to actually talk about underlying principles and methods, but just go head-first into a blind sequence! The '360 JTAG/NAND tutorial is a perfect example, where there's zero explanation why each of the mods is relevant, and how they relate to each other, correspondingly you end up with about 100 replies asking what the hell the poster is talking about! • About us Se7enSins caters to all types of gamers across the globe, aiming to provide access to the latest news, releases, mods and a great deal more. With a diverse range of content and a welcoming, amicable and tight-knit community, Se7enSins is a forum open to anyone and everyone.

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