Setup Opengl Average ratng: 8,3/10 2755votes

We need the following sets of libraries in programming OpenGL. And libraries in your operating platform in order to properly setup the OpenGL programming.

Setup Opengl

Just got mine to work for the first tutorial here: I'm using VS Express for Desktop 2015. I got both Glew and Freeglut from the links provided in the tutorial above - glew has been updated since the tutorial was uploaded (now 2.0.0). I had 2 problems when trying to run this: 1. The tutorial offers a 32 and 64 bit version. Acoustic Alchemy American English Rar. Stick to the 32 bit. No idea if the 64 bit works but I couldn't get it to work without creating a new project. As stated above, you have to copy the freeglut.dll and glew32.dll into the Debug directory of the program your writing.

So for me it's: D: C++ BadprogTutorial Debug So Varian, I've seen your errors before - think it's the 64 bit problem? The File Could Not Be Written To The Cache Fix. Restart a project and set it all to 32 bit. You'll get an error then that it can't open freeglut.dll - that's the second problem. Mine works now. Hope this helps fellow travellers. Doing as the tutorial says, still having some problems.