I just got my new Samsung F4 EcoGreen 2TB (HD204UI) and flashed it with the newest firmware found http://www.samsung.com/global/business/hdd/faqView.do?b2b_bbs_msg_id. Patching Samsung HD204UI's HDDs. If you want to do any firmware updated/patching is IDE/Legacy. Again number 1 is the option we want to install to hard disk.
I recently bought a new Samsung F4 2TB hard disk, HD204UI. There is an important (essential) firmware upgrade for this HD. The initial FW is destructive and you will need to update your firmware if you are using this hard disk in AHCI mode. Below is the edited post after Grimninja kindly messaged me as to how he did it.
I used his way and it was quick and painless. I suggest all new owners of this hard disk update their FW. Game Strategi Pc Terbaru more. Edited: Before proceeding with the Hard Disk firmware flashing, backup all your files. Download and unzip latest firmware from; 2. Make a bootable USB drive Note: The last part where it says '.copy CTXXM.EXE firmware.' , ignore that.
Instead copy the HD204UI.exe firmware you downloaded from Samsung to the same USB drive. Shut down PC 4. Unplug all your hard drives except for the Samsung F4 HD204UI 2TB Hard disk. Boot PC and go to your bios. Select IDE mode for your Hard Disk if you were on AHCI.
Select USB Drive as your first boot. Wow Patch Mpq Datei Installieren. Save and reboot. After DOS boots from the USB drive, type HD204UI 9. It will start to flash your hard disk with the new firmware. Wait until it says finished.
Shut down PC 11. Plug all your other hard drives back. Change your bios settings back to what they were, eg. AHCI back on if it was on before, change first boot drive which was your OS drive. Out of interest, does the firmware revision change on the drive post-flashing? I've just flashed four of these, and all are saying the FW is 1AQ10001.