+ UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM IN KASHIWA. + JAPAN CENTER FOR MICHIGAN. Study Abroad Programs; Other Programs; Noma-Reischauer Prize in. Reischauer’s grant, internship. Foundation Japanese Language program. Summer Internships. Ishikawa Intern to Kanazawa Education Center.
Among the 149 foreign recipients three recipients have been recognized for their contributions in Northern California. Allen Okamoto, Mr. Benh Nakajo, and Dr. Gary Mukai who each received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays for their contributions to the promotion of friendship and mutual understanding between Japan and the United States. Isf Hdtv Calibration Wizard more.
平成29年秋の外国人叙勲 11月3日(日本時間)、日本政府は、平成29年秋の外国人叙勲として149名の受章者への叙勲を決定しました。当館管轄区域関係者では、以下の3名に対して授与されます。 名前:アレン・オカモト 賞賜:旭日双光章 功労概要:日本・アメリカ合衆国間の友好親善及び相互理解促進に寄与 名前:ベン・コレヨシ・ナカジョウ 賞賜:旭日双光章 功労概要:日本・アメリカ合衆国間の友好親善及び相互理解促進に寄与 名前:ゲイリー・ムカイ 賞賜:旭日双光章 功労概要:日本・アメリカ合衆国間の友好親善及び相互理解促進に寄与. Are you interested in making a difference and contributing to the US-Japan relationship in a real and practical way? Using the skills, capabilities and networks that you’ve already acquired you can help those in need in Japan! In Cross-Border Learning Journey hosted by WIT (World in Tohoku), a Japanese nonprofit, you can spend a week in Japan working with other US and Japanese leaders to solve challenges and problems of local people in Tohoku.
You will tour sites in the Tohoku Region to see first-hand the restoration process from the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011. Then you will work in teams to use your skills to solve and overcome challenges. Stop sitting on the sidelines – apply now and make a difference! Program Dates: October 11th - 15th 2017 Program Details: “Professionals from different cultures and languages gathered for the Cross-Border Learning Journey, and despite these differences, everyone was genuinely curious to learn about Mammaru Mama’s work and gave me invaluable advice. Thank you so much!” - Miyoko Sato, Executive Director, Mammaru Mama (one of the social entrepreneurs participated last year).
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