Reference Manager 12. SerialPort Class ( Component ) in Visual BASIC ( VB2008, VB2010, VB.NET ) for RS232 Communications. Phone:(705) 671-2652 Fax:(705) 671-6127 Email: VISUAL BASIC SERIALPORT CLASS ( COMPONENT ) WITH ADR ( RS232 ) DEVICES IMPORTANT: For a tutorial on using the MSCOMM control with older versions of Visual Basic See: NOTE1: This programming guide assumes the user has a basic knowledge of Visual Basic programming. The teaching method used is to show a basic example of a VB2010 program which communicates with an ADR board by sending and receiving ASCII data, and then dissect the program to understand its operation.
NOTE2: The procedure shown is identical for VB2008, VB2010 and also runs on Express versions. NOTE3: The entire project can be downloaded here. (98K) require the sending and receiving of ASCII data via RS232 to operate. To communicate with the ADR boards using Visual Basic, the SerialPort component must be utilized to allow serial data transfer via a serial port ( Com1-Com99). SerialPort is a component shipped with VB2008 and VB2010 and must be loaded using the Toolbox/Components menu. The following SerialPort VB2010 Example program is used to communicate with an. Human Evolution Vector. The is an RS232 based data acquisition interface that uses simple CR ( Chr(13) ) terminated ASCII strings to read two 12-bit analog input channels and control an 8-bit digital I/O port.
Pure Data to Arduino Over Serial Contents: To Get this Example Working; Pure Data to Arduino over serial in Action. Used to talk to the serial port. Using Visual Basic and the MSCOMM Control with ADR ( RS232 )Devices NOTE1: This programming guide assumes the user has a basic knowledge of Visual Basic programming. The teaching method used is to show a basic example of a VB2010 program which communicates with an ADR board by sending and receiving ASCII data, and then dissect the program to understand its operation.
The program can be modified to work with any ONTRAK or other manufacturers RS232 based product. Figure 1: SerialPort VB2010 Example Form1 The program was built using a pull down menu for COM port selection, an OPEN COM Port button, three Send command buttons, and a text box to display received ASCII data. When run, the port is selected using the Pull-Down Menu and enabled when the OPEN COM Port button is clicked.
Different applications can open the virtual serial port and share data. Ith the hub4com (HUB for COM ports, part of the com0com project) it is possible to handle data from a single serial device by a number of differentapplications. For example, several applications can share data from one GPS device. Legacy Serial Port Application. Look at most relevant Serial port purebasic tutorial websites out of 10.3 Thousand at Serial port purebasic tutorial found at