Factory Act 1934 Pakistan Pdf Average ratng: 9,9/10 5128votes
Factory Act Pdf

THE FACTORIES ACT, 1934(1) This Act may be called the Factories Act,1934.(2) It extends to the whole of Pakistan.(3). A factory, which is exclusively. The Factories Act, 1934. 20th August, 1934. An Act to consolidate and amend the law regulating labour in factories. Whereas it is expedient to.

Read FactoriesAct1934.pdf text version 04 I Processes and Institutions Factories Act, 1934 FACTORIES ACT, 1934 CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY SECTIONS 1. Short title, extent and commencement.

References to time of day. Seasonal factories. Power to apply provisions applicable to factories to certain other places. Power to declare department to be separate factories.

Power to exempt on a change in the factory. Exemption from certain provisions of the Act. Power to exempt during public emergency. Notice to Inspector before commencement of work. CHAPTER II THE INSPECTING STAFF 10. Powers of Inspector.

Certifying Surgeons. CHAPTER III HEALTH AND SAFETY 13.

Games Arcade Untuk Galaxy Y Duos. Cleanliness Ventilation Artificial humidification Cooling Overcrowding Lighting Water Latrines and urinals Doors to open outwards Precautions against fire Means of escape Fencing Power to require specifications of defective parts or tests of stability Environmental Law in Pakistan I Federal 1 04 I Processes and Institutions 26. Safety of buildings and machinery Restrictions on work near machinery in motion Power to exclude children Prohibition of employment of women and children near cotton-openers Notice of certain accidents Appeals Power of Provincial Government to make rules to supplement this Chapter Additional power to make health and safety rules relating to ­shelters during rest, ------ --rooms for children, -------- certificates of stability, -------- hazardous operations. Power to make rules for the provision of canteens. ---------------------- CHAPTER IV RESTRICTIONS ON WORKING HOURS OF ADULTS 34.

Weekly hours Weekly holiday Compensatory holidays SECTIONS Daily hours Intervals for rest Spread over Notice of Periods for Work for Adults and preparation thereof Copy of Notice of Periods for Work to be sent to Inspector Register of Adult Workers Hours of work to correspond with Notice under section 39 and Register under section 41 Power to make rules exemption from restriction Power to make orders exemption from restrictions Further restriction on the employment of women Special provision for night-shifts Extra pay for overtime Restriction on double employment Control of overlapping shifts. ------------ 2 Environmental Law in Pakistan I Federal 04 I Processes and Institutions CHAPTER IVA HOLIDAYS WITH PAY 49A. Application of Chapter Annual holidays Pay during annual holidays Payment when to be made Power of Inspector to act for worker Power to make rules Exemption of factories from provisions of this Chapter. -----------CHAPTER V SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR ADOLESCENTS AND CHILDREN 50. Prohibition of employment of young children Non-adult workers to carry tokens giving reference to certificates of fitness Certificates of fitness Effect of certificate granted to adolescent Restrictions on the working hours of a child Notice of Periods for Work for Children Register of Child Workers Hours of work to correspond with Notice and Register Power to require medial examination Power to make rules.

-------------- CHAPTER VA SMALL FACTORIES 59A. Small factories. Certain provisions of this Act to apply to small factories wherein child labour is employed. Certain other provisions of law not barred. ----------------CHAPTER VI PENALTIES AND PROCEDURE 60. Penalty for contraventions of Act and rules.

Enhanced penalty in certain cases after previous conviction. Penalty for failure to give notice of commencement of work or of change of Manager. Penalty for obstructing Inspector. Penalty for failure to give notice accident.

Environmental Law in Pakistan I Federal 3 04 I Processes and Institutions 65. Penalty for failure to make returns. Penalty for smoking or using naked light in vicinity of inflammable material. Penalty for using false certificate. Penalty on guardian for permitting double employment of a child.