For students or anyone else who needs program. The author has submitted it as file to shorten your download. Sales and Inventory System (VB.NET. Complete Inventory Management Software. Complete Inventory Management Software (VB.NET + SQL Server). Excel Inventory System (FREE DOWNLOAD). Bob Marley Rastaman Live Up.
This Sales and Inventory System is developed using Visual Basic.NET(Compatibility - Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012) and using MS Access 2010 database in the back end. So many users had problem with SQL server during connection with database in my last same project(Sales and Inventory System V1.0) so I created database in MS Access 2010 to help them to run project successfully. This is developed according to the requirements of company Kapco Foods Pvt. Here Product Code is Product name + Quantity of Product (like 1 kg, 250 gm etc.) and Stock ID is Product Code + No. Of Packets per Carton(like 100 packets per carton) so every time you have to update the stock of product having unique Stock ID when the order is placed its status will be uncompleted, you can complete order by generating its invoice using sales or invoice form after generating invoice cartons and total Packets of product will be automatically decremented from stock of particular product having unique stock ID Main Features are: 1. Customers(Super Distributors) and vendors Profile 2.