Is for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Please look over our and before posting. If you're looking for 'lighter' gaming-related entertainment, try! The goal of is to provide a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers.
While some publishers still insist on using the technology, and have issued a patch for that removes all traces of SecuROM DRM from the game. Binney Merrifield Galactic Astronomy Pdf here. [img_big]center,871,2010-11-17/Borderlands_E3_Screenshot_6.jpg,Borderlands[/img_big] The news comes just one day after it was revealed that. There’s more good news for fans, though: The update also works towards restoring multiplayer functionality to the game, which was lost when earlier this year. Here’s the changelog: • Removed SecuRom from the title and all DLC • Added a “Granting Tool” In the steam “Tools” section that turns a retail disc into a Steam version of Borderlands • “News Ticker” added to the main menu to give you updates on the Multiplayer restoration updates.
Tag: Borderlands Game of The Year Edition torrent. Borderlands Game of The Year Edition-PROPHET. Posted 04 Oct 2015 in REQUEST ACCEPTED.
• Imported SecuRom DLC keys into Steam, so if you bought DLC outside of Steam, activate it within Steam and get your matching content. Essentially, is being moved from one system to another, and that includes all your DLC. There’s no -based multiplayer just yet, but it’s in the works – and the game itself will keep you informed about when things are changing.