Cloven Hoof The Definitive Part One Rar Average ratng: 8,7/10 9344votes
Cloven Hoof Band

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Advanced copies (first 1,000 signed) were made available from 17th February 2008 on Cloven Hoof's website. A collection of old songs, re-recorded partially live in. Dediprog Sf100 Driver. Network Audio Player.

Ah, the Greatest Hits album, or compilation, best of, collection etc is a funny old thing. Our American cousins seemed in the not-too-distant past to have the concept pretty much nailed. Take a well established band or artist with a long and illustrious career and slap the most popular ditties on one handy 78 and jive yourself blind. The right band at the right time can sustain, revive, rejuvenate or kickstart a career with with a smart release (see Aerosmith, Creedence, and The Eagles whose Best Of is the second biggest selling record OF ALL TIME and the goofy drummer did some sterling work). We cynical Brits view the Greatest Hits 'package' as either a contractual obligation by a band who wants to leave a label/can't function together to release new material, or a band has made a few quid and the accountants who now own the company want to ride the gravy train until the wheels come off. In the pop world the announcement of a Greatest Hits album is the death knell for any group and combines the contractual obligation with the gravy train-wreck (see absolutely EVERY 'band' from 1982 onwards ).