Program Learning Objectives The learning objectives of the MBA programs are for students to be able to: 1.1 Demonstrate competency in the following areas of business: management, quantitative methods, economics, accounting, finance, marketing, operations, and strategy. 1.2 Demonstrate strategic integration of the above areas. 1. Anna Wise Awakening The Mind Pdf. 3 Demonstrate the ability to apply analytics to decision making. 2.1 Recognize issues and create solutions using an approach that reflects ethical values. 3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the issues involved in conducting business in a diverse, global environment.
4.1 Demonstrate professional written communications skills. 4.2 Demonstrate professional oral communication and presentation skills. Higurashi Mugen Characters more. 5.1 Recognize leadership skills and link to leadership theory. 5.2 Demonstrate effective team behaviors.
MBA Core Courses 36.
The BMS program is only open to continuing Cal Poly. The concurrent MBA/MS Engineering Management Program. University San Luis Obispo, California 93407.