Gw Visions V1.04 Setup more. This page contains the list of device drivers for Acer Aspire 5672. To download the proper driver, first choose your operating system, then find your device name and.
94% AMAZING DEAL Source: Pros: powerful, well balanced, extremely well-priced; Cons: heats up rather quickly under certain conditions (very understandably); Its an incredible powerhouse, this laptop packs a punch and puts a smaller dent in your wallet than you might expect. There is a bit of bloatware bundled with the laptop but with the system's specs it hardly makes a difference in most everyday and in all but the most strenuous gaming applications. Kurzer subjektiver Erfahrungsbericht eines Benutzers; online abrufbar 69 Userreports 4.7 von 5 User Review, online available, Very Short, Date: Rating: Total score: 94%. 88% Acer Aspire 5672 Review Source: For those of you with the X1400's it appears that the motherboard swap MAY be possible, I was able to remove the rear cover today at work (but I didn't have my camera with me) and it looks just like the X1400's internals from the photos that I saw.